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🐬 DolphinPay

DolphinPay enables BYOT (Bring your own token) private payment for Polkadot ecosystem assets. Below is the overview of DolphinPay:


Try Dolphin (version Boto)​

  1. Download Signer, a native app to turbo-charge zero-knowledge proof generation.

    • macOS

    • Ubuntu/Debian

    • Windows

      For macOS, you might need to go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General to run the Signer (we are working to get the app approved by Apple, but it takes time).


    When you first open Signer, it will ask you to create a password and to memorize a 12-word mnemonic.

  2. Get Testnet Tokens:


    • You should first claim DOL, since you need DOL to pay gas fees. Then, you can claim your favorite testnet tokens like BTC, ETH, DOT, etc.
  3. Go to Dolphin App, try these hot baked Dolphin (version Boto) features:

    • Convert public tokens to private:


    • You can see your private token balance by switching to private option:


    • Send private tokens: private tokens are attached to a One-Time Shielded Address, which means before sending tokens to your friend, you need to get their one time shielded address through some secure communication channel, such as Signal or Telegram.

    • To receive private tokens, get your own One-Time Shielded Address by going to private -> receive -> new address:


    • Convert private tokens to public tokens:



  1. Why do I need a Signer? Can I trust it?

    Signer serves two purposes: first is to protect your spending secrets, and second is to use native code to build zero-knowledge proofs. The Signer runs locally and will never share your secrets. The Signer is fully open source software and will be audited for security.

  2. Is the private token in Signer secure?

    All the secrets used to spend private tokens is stored locally in your computer and encrypted using AES. Signer will never send your secrets online.

  3. What is a one time shielded address? How is the shielded address different from my generic Polkadot/Manta address?

    Dolphin (Boto) uses a one-time shielded address. This is a one-time address for your private tokens. For privacy and security, the address is longer than a typical generic Polkadot/Manta address. In the next version of the testnet, we will switch to reusable shielded addresses.

  4. Do I need to keep my one time shielded address confidential? Can someone know my one time shielded address track my transactions?

    One time shielded address is not confidential. Under the hood, MantaPay protocol uses UTXO model and the input and the output of a transfer transaction is shielded by zero-knowledge proofs. As a result, someone know your one time shielded address cannot track your any transactions.

  5. How can I recover private tokens if I forgot my Signer password?

    We will add recover feature to the Signer soon.

  6. How does private payment work?

    Find out more.